کاربرد دستوری ضمایر در زبان عربی و فارسی دری

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 استادیار (پوهنیار ) گروه زبان و ادبیات عربی ،دانشگاه بلخ، افغانستان(نویسندۀ مسئول).

2 استادیار (پوهنیار) گروه زبان و ادبیات عربی، دانشگاه سید جمال‌الدین کنر، افغانستان.

3 استادیار (پوهنیار) گروه زبان و ادبیات عربی، دانشگاه لغمان، افغانستان.



ضمیر یکی از مباحث بسیار مهم دستوری است که بیشتر دستورنویسان در زبان‌های گوناگون از آن بحث کرده‌اند و به تعریف آن پرداخته‌اند و اقسام گوناگون برای آن برشمرده‌اند. برخی دستورنویسان ضمیر را ذیل واژگان مستقل آورده‌اند و برخی دیگر، به آن اسم گفته‌اند. در تقسیم‌بندی‌های ثانوی نیز تفاوت‌های متعددی در انواع ضمیر در میان دستورنویسان به چشم می‌خورد. در این پژوهش، بناء ضمایر در دو زبان فارسی و عربی، معیار بحث است؛ زیرا ضمایر در ترکیب جملات از دیدگاه دستوری نقش‌آفرینی می‌کند که همین نقش‌آفرین در دستور باعث زیبایی و استواری کلام می‌شود. بر این اساس بررسی تفاوت و شباهت ضمایر در دستور زبان عربی و فارسی امری بایسته می‌نماید.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Grammatical use of pronouns in Arabic and Dari Persian Language

نویسندگان [English]

  • naqibuddin naqi 1
  • shabuddin shahab 2
  • abdulhoda rafat 3
1 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Balkh University, Afghanistan (corresponding author).
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Syed Jamaluddin Kunar University, Afghanistan.
3 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Laghman University, Afghanistan.
چکیده [English]


The words that replace the noun and are used to indicate and prevent the repetition of that noun are called pronouns. There are pronouns in the Arabic language as well as in the Persian language; But there is a big difference between pronouns in Arabic and pronouns in Persian, which is very important to study in the analysis of texts in both languages. Based on this, in this research, we are looking for answers to these questions:
- How is the use of pronouns and their types in Arabic language?
- How are Persian pronouns used in Persian language?
-What are the differences and similarities between the use of pronouns in Persian and Arabic?

Research Methodology

The main grammar sources of the two languages (Persian and Arabic) considered in this research were studied and the related materials were extracted, classified and then analyzed. Accordingly, this research is based on a library study and descriptive-analytical method.


  In Arabic syntax, there are two types of pronouns: connected and disconnected. Connected and disconnected pronouns are also of three types:Marfouie, Mansoubi, Majrouri.
Marfouie pronouns are attached to the verb and are also associated with the verb. The Marfouie pronouns that are connected to the past tense verb are different from the pronouns that are connected to the present tense and imperative verbs (Ebn Aghil, 2010: 343; Niz Dagher, 2002: 288; Shertouni, 1424: 225). The relative Mansoubi pronouns and the relative Majrouri pronouns are the same in terms of pronunciation and can be distinguished only by the signs that exist in the word ( Abu albagha, 1995: 324).
In Persian grammar, various and numerous definitions are provided for pronouns; For example: "A pronoun is a noun that replaces another noun and is inflected; It means that it refers to the first person, the second person, or the third person... The noun that the pronoun replaces is called reference" (Farshidord, 2009: 244); "It is an ironic noun that takes the place of an explicit noun, and that explicit noun is called the referent of that pronoun" (Khayyampour, 2009: 31) and...
The grammarians have divided the pronoun into different types. There is no unanimity in this division, and each person, based on his own reasons, has considered the pronoun to be of different types and has provided evidence. The most important of these types are: Personal and Common Pronoun, Indicative Pronoun, Interrogative Pronoun, Ambiguous Pronoun, Exclamatory Pronoun, Reciprocal Pronoun, Possessive Pronoun, Relative Pronoun.
There are differences between the two languages regarding pronouns, the most important of which are:
- Pronouns are not the same in all languages, there are more in some languages and less in some. In Arabic, there are fourteen personal pronouns like verb forms, while in Persian it is only six.
- In the Persian language, Tazkir and Taanis, which means distinguishing between male and female, are not valid in the form of words and in the number of deuteronomy, it is not the sum of two, and the words indicate one, single or singular and if it indicates more than one, whether it is two or more, it is plural; Therefore, the pronouns and conjugations are easier and more concise than Arabic and are limited to six conjugations (Farshidord, 2003: 432).
-In Persian language, three persons are recognized, each of them is either singular or plural, which means three persons in six forms.


The result of this research showed that the frequency of the pronoun in both Arabic and Dari languages is high and is very important. Pronouns are used more in Arabic than in Persian. The structure of the Arabic language has caused differences in the use of pronouns. The first difference is being female and male. Another fundamental difference is that in Persian we do not differentiate between two people and several people.

  1. کتاب‌شناسی


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